News Stories

CSC Meeting – Monday, Sept. 23 @ 4 p.m.

RFSSA Families, This is your reminder that our CSC Meeting is Monday, Sept. 23 @ 4-5 p.m. All parents/guardians are welcome to join!

Register to Vote – Open to ALL DPS Students – Saturday, Sept. 28 @ 11 a.m.

Attention DPS Students! Have you registered to vote? Join us to register (or pre-register) to vote on Saturday, Sept. 28 @ 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Participate in a student-led panel, engage in interactive voting activities and enjoy music andContinue Reading

No School – Labor Day – Monday, Sept. 2

RFSSA Families, Don’t forget that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend! 🎉

Picture Day – Tuesday, Sept. 3

This is your reminder that Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 3. Dress your best and don’t be late! 📸

Back 2 School Kickback – Friday, Sept. 6 @ 6-8 p.m.

Celebrate the start of the school year with us on Friday, Sept. 6 from 6-8 p.m. at Robert F. Smith STEAM Academy! 🎉 Meet our community partners, connect with teachers, admin, and RFSSA staff, and discover all the exciting opportunities thisContinue Reading

College Track – Apply Now!

RFSSA Families, The College Track application window is now open through Oct. 31! Scholars can apply at College Track is a life-changing 10-year journey dedicated to supporting scholars in their pursuit of a 4-year university degree and after, to empower themContinue Reading

Student Parking Pass

Attention RFSSA Students: If you plan to use the student parking lot, you MUST complete the required form as soon as possible. Once you’ve submitted the form, you will receive a parking pass from Ms. Kiesha. Don’t delay—secure your spotContinue Reading

CORRECTION: First Girls Volleyball Game vs. STEAD Stingers – Monday, Aug. 26 @ 5 p.m.

CORRECTION!!! Our first Girls Volleyball Game is Monday, Aug. 26 at 5 p.m. at Northeast Early College. Come out to support our very first sports team! We play the STEAD Stingers. Let’s show up!